One of the best templates we've created. Hundreds of pages and thousands of elements had to be designed and coded from zero. It took us 5 years to finish.

Full design customization
You can now change every element's color right from the admin cp!

On-page chats
Now need to go to the Messages page now, you can chat right on the page you are!

Fast registration questionnaire
These questions teach the system whom you like, using artificial intelligence.

Fast registration visual teaching
The system learn whom you prefer just looking at the photos of the people you like.

Compatibility graphs
Chameleon now shows the compatibility percentage in profiles. You can also make this percentage more "optimistic", to avoid showing something like 0% or 10% (Options - Site options - Minimum match percent on graphs)

Fast likes
People now can like other people without even entering their profiles, which will create a lot more life on the website.

Ajax based apps
Now the apps do not reload pages but change contents using Ajax, without reloading, this makes them a lot faster.

Fast messages
The first messages in the conversations now are sent from the profiles without going to the Messages page. This makes the start of communication a lot easier and creates more life on the website.

Template engine optimization
20% speed increase.

Cache files' size optimization
17 times smaller files means a lot faster website.

New game: Connect 4
Connect four dots on an island!

New game: Tic-tac-toe
Play tic-tac-toe in 3 dimensions!

New game: 3D Chess
A classic game for all ages.

New game: Giant checkers
Play checkers on a golf field!

And more than 400 other additions and corrections!