At last you can upload and play videos in Urban. All videos are now HTML5, Flash has been removed in all templates.

And you can even choose what player you want to use!

SMS payments through Fortumo
Ever wanted your clients to pay through SMS? Well, now they can do it!

You can now activate the autotranslation feature and all chats will be translated from/to the language which is chosen on the site of the user. And also you can charge per message now... And the site can be an international one... Well, you get the point.

MultiSafePay payment system added
It has a lot of payment options, for example Ideal for Holland.

RoboKassa payment system added
A new payment gateway with a lot of options like Skrill.

MySQL database optimization
The site is now about 30% faster.

GEO location can be disabled
If you want your network to be a location based one, like friends in Boston, you can have only Boston active.

Adding to spotlight unlimited number of times
Now people can spend a lot of their money on the website just adding themselves many times to the Spotlight. Who does not like a bit of fame?

Adding and removing users to/from the Spotlight
Sometimes when the site is a bit empty yet, you need to fill thes Spotlight with someone.

Background selector can be disabled completely
If your site has to be a more serious one, let all the users just have a white background. Like on FaceBook.

3DCity engine optimized
The engine got a 70% optimization and can now run smoothly on older systems.

New 3DCity location: Patio
Have a walk and watch a movie in the Patio!

An icon is shown is someone is in 3DCity
If someone clicks on the icon, he goes to the same location as this person.

Fake users can be added as a friends now
So it all could look more natural.

Video buffering in 3DCity
Now everyone will have a smoother playback.

Bug when characters appeared without faces corrected
We spent several months trying to understand why it appeared on older systems.

New Urban design variant with a photowall
For a modern dynamic website.

New Urban design with flying clouds
For a light tender website.

And 200 more improvements and corrections!