Yes! Now users can use the video chat in the mobile version.

WebRTC Video Chat
Now all video chats are made on WebRTC. That means, it is BROWSER-TO-BROWSER or IP-TO-IP. No Flash needs to be installed on the system.

Mobile 3DCity
Now users can chat in a 3D environment on their mobile phones.

Forced "About me" section
If you want your users to fill in the About me section, force them to do it! They will not be able to read the information of the other users till they provide their own About me.

Users' list in the general chat
It shows all the users that are in the current room now.

Video chat can be called from the ordinary message tab
Users will connect a lot easier.

More options in the mobile search
Now people can search better.

Video greeting
Now any user can assign a video to be his video greeting.

Welcoming message
Now any user after the registration can find a message from the administrator in his inbox.

Reporting contens and users in Encounters and Ratings
More ways of reporting users added.

WYSIWYG email editors
Now your emails will be a lot prettier!

Default search location
You can set the default search location in the search filter, for example it can be a country or even the whole world.

Bulk gift price editing
Now you can set the price of all gifts in one place.

Using your own objects in 3DCity
Imagine being able to use your site's logo in 3D, rotating in the middle of any room? It is very cool for the brand's recognition! Or maybe you want to sell your website's badges or t-shirts?

Use this tutorial to add objects: ... icleid=181
New 3DCity location: Showroom
Here one could show his products.

New 3DCity clothes and hair
A lot of new clothes and hair options added. At last we have some blondes!

Well... and not so blondes!

Switching the sound off in 3DCity
Some people need more quietness!

And 300 more improvements and corrections!