Users can create and join groups, share images and videos inside the groups, discuss topics, videos, posts. Groups can be public and private. A group is a place for group communication and for people to share their common interests and express their opinion. They let people come together around a common cause, issue or activity to organize, express objectives, discuss issues, post photos, and share related content. Anybody can set up and manage their own group, and you can join other groups.
While pages were designed to be the official profiles for entities, such as celebrities, brands or businesses, groups are the place for small group communication and for people to share their common interests and express their opinion.

Pages in Chameleon.Edge
People can create pages, like pages, comment on posts. A page is different from a group. A page is a public profile specifically created for businesses, brands, celebrities, causes, and other organizations. Unlike personal profiles, pages do not gain "friends," but "fans" - which are people who choose to "like" a page. Pages can gain an unlimited number of fans. Pages work similarly to profiles, updating users with things such as statuses, links, events, photos and videos. This information appears on the page itself, as well as in its fans' personal news feeds.

Paid features in Chameleon.Edge
Now you can charge your users for using your social network built on Chameleon.Edge.

Photos and videos likes
Now photos and videos can be liked right below them.

Photo editor in the iOS app
It can be started from Options - Edit photo

Or alternatively from My photos, after clicking the Settings icon

After clicking Edit photo a native photo editor opens:

You can edit the Contrast, the Brightness, and the Saturation of the photo.
After that you press Save (the green tick icon) and the edited photo appears on the website.
Video trimmer in the iOS app
It can be run from Options - Edit video

Or from My videos

A native video editor opens:

You can drag the slider below and choose another starting and finishing points of the video. After the save button is pressed, the video is saved in the changed form and can be played in the app.
Audio greeting recording in the iOS app
Can be run from Settings - Record greeting

A native audio recorder opens where you can press the red button and record a greeting:

After that you can listen to it pressing the play button:

After the greeting has been saved, your friends and visitors can listen to it on your page.
SMS Friends inviter in the iOS app
Can be run from the menu:

People can invite friends to the social network using iOS native SMS functionality.
Photo cropper in the iOS app
Can be run from the menu:

Then the users can crop the photos to their liking:

Audio message exchange in the iOS app
Can be run using this button:

People can record short audio messages and send them to each other, like in WhatsApp.
A new 3D game: Space Racing
Now your members will be able to compete in space.

Fast image and video uploading
Now it is possible to upload images and videos without opening any other dialogue windows.

And more than 450 changes and corrections in all of the templates!